Assignment 3.3: The Properties Behind Triangles Part 2
- Due No due date
- Points 10
- Questions 10
- Time Limit None
- Allowed Attempts 3
To determine what the student has learned from the lesson. This assignment is worth 10 points.
After completing this lesson, students will be able to . . .
- apply and prove theorems about triangles. [G.GF.8]
Activity Instructions
Complete the following problems on your own paper. When you finish, submit for grading.
A TI-83/84 or scientific calculator is required for this course. If you do not have a TI83/84 or scientific calculator available, you may use the optional Desmos Scientific Calculator to assist with this test. If you are unable to view or use this calculator, please use your handheld version.
If you are unsure how to use the optional Desmos Scientific Calculator, watch this quick tutorial video before you begin your test.
Note: The Desmos graphing calculator is sufficient for many of the concepts in this course, but does not include all the functions of a handheld graphing calculator that are needed at various points.
This activity will take you approximately 15 minutes.
All questions must be answered and the assignment must be submitted in order for the assignment to be complete.