Biology Module 2 Exit Test Overview
This exit test will allow you to show your understanding of important module objectives. The test is worth 100 points.
After completing this exam, students will be able to meet Module objectives.
Assessment Instructions
After you have read this page, click the button at the bottom to begin your test. If your test does not open, it may mean that you need to use LockDown Browser or there may be other restrictions preventing you from accessing. Your test may also require a password which your facilitator will have to type in for you. Students are not allowed to have test passwords. It is important that you review concepts from the module and spend time studying before you begin the test. Let your facilitator and teacher know if you have any trouble accessing the test.
Please understand that to protect test security and to avoid academic dishonesty answers to questions on this test will not be visible after completion. If you desire to see the answers to a question you are welcome to meet with your teacher via Zoom to review your work.
You may not use any other resource (electronic or human) to assist you. Use of any other resource is considered a violation of academic integrity.
This activity will take you approximately 40 minutes.
You will know you have completed the quiz when you have answered all questions and hit the submit button. You will also be able to see your score when clicking on the activity or looking in your grade book. Your score may not appear until your teacher grades it if there are any essay questions.
Click "Take the Quiz" to begin your test. At the end, a submit button will appear. After submitting, click the "next" button below to move to the next item in the course.