Assignment 1.4

  • Due No due date
  • Points 7
  • Questions 4
  • Time Limit 60 Minutes
  • Allowed Attempts 3



This activity will allow you to practice what you've learned in this lesson. It is worth 16 points and must be completed before you move on to the next lesson. 



After completing this lesson, students will be able to . . .

  • Describe what happens in chemical reactions.
  • State the role of energy in chemical reactions.
  • Explain the importance of enzymes to living organisms.
  • Describe the distribution of Earth’s water.
  • Identify water’s structure and properties.
  • Define acids, bases, and pH.
  • Explain why water is essential for life.

Assessment IconActivity Instructions

Complete the following problems. When you finish, submit your answers for grading. 


Time IconTiming

This module will take you approximately 30 minutes.



Your activity is complete when you have submitted it. You will receive a checkmark for the activity. 


Canvas Navigation.png Navigation

Click "Take the Quiz" to begin your test. At the end, a submit button will appear. After submitting, click the "next" button below to move to the next item in the course.